Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Wholesale Yarn For Me

the way in the jungle - Part 2

Once I was back after dinner half-way for forces already sounded the first notes of the upcoming jungle symphony. For the full enjoyment of the concert I went after the onset of darkness on the way for a little night hike. Armed with my flashlight, and MP3 player, or in this case better MP3 player, I was sitting somewhere in the bush and called the incredibly colorful background noise and the unique atmosphere in me, as the trees around the water. But to see and there was a lot: the fireflies celebrated their colorful game on the ground was littered with phosphorescent leaves, while the Dschungelbächlein reflected in the moon light the towering trees.

The night on the wooden bench in the observation hut was rather uncomfortable as well as morning finding that the number of rats in the night my entire bread stock had aufgevespert, although I had my food supplies extra still hung with a nail in the wall .

On the return trip I have planned as yet actually met Marius. I had almost given up hope, especially as I had on this hike twice tangled again properly. But then the joy was all the greater, and we also celebrated immediately with a refreshing dip in the nearby jungle river.

Soon after that it should go to both but again. For me to Kuala Lumpur and Marius for two more nights in the jungle before we would meet again in Singapore.

From the jungle,
Your David


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