even more beautiful that I had this great experience that allowed Marius and I "practice" has already been in the setting sun indulged. A great sailor salute goes out to the captain and the entire bridge crew of our 1300 steamer soul who welcomed us so warmly welcoming me into their midst and this unforgettable Birthday moment brought.
was no less brilliant, the further course of my great day. Together with Marius and Laura, a Dutch fellow, it was said that is the afternoon "game, fun and excitement" in Anchol Dreamland. Going to an amusement park, is perhaps not the most obvious, what comes to mind when the first time in a city like Jakarta puts it on foot. But this unusual request was approved at the end of all as a resounding success. Not just us hacks with the roller coaster by the incredibly sultry air and looked over the city from the ferris wheel, but we were also in the delight of a rejuvenating refreshment orgy. The large light-finals played in the directly adjacent namely, vast experience pool.
Gengenbacher As in the best swimming times, we blew through the flow channels under the waterfalls, pools and the balls on the sun terraces. The undisputed highlight, however, is the countless long-distance slides, we were all in the storm and it a joy to have as a cow on her little calf:)
with chlorine in the eyes, sea salt in your hair and a final beer in left gills it to sleep very happy.
Your David
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