Sunday, March 26, 2006

What Type Of Smell Does Herpes Discharge Have

With Cola truck to an island in a different time

via island hopping through Lombok and Sumbawa to Flores and Komodo, so was David's and my plan when we hanging out in Bali's easternmost port and after a suitable transport lookout kept. After a bit of back and forth and a couple of somewhat dubious discussions with self-styled "tour", we decided to finally come into the years for a Coke truck, which had targeted the exact same route as us. What luck!

And we cruises happily go for now by ferry in the night the four-hour drive to meet Lombok, from where we wanted to start the truck, the actual ride. Once there, David and I noticed it first hand, of obvious that we were not the only ones who had booked the cola truck. For it was now necessary to accommodate a total of six people now in something seemingly tiny driver cabin. We, three Indonesians, plus David and I, and the driver kneaded and folded our bodies until we were finally ready for the upcoming 20-hour ride through the appearing in the cockpit very sultry summer night. We are sure this would all love to talk more, but when David and I did not Indonesian speak, and clearly for an extravagant sign language was not enough room, we had all just the language that everyone understands that the mischievous one another grin and the polite to each other smile:)

When we after another ferry ride our Trip to Sumbawa continued, and our lemonade truck rocked there from pothole to pothole, it was as if we had taken a journey through time. We wobbled and swayed on the monsoon-soaked mud road through the jungle Sumbawa, which, as David and I found absolutely stunned, the only Ostwestverbindung the entire island is 400 km wide. We slowed for cows, goats, Sheep and footballs sailed past reed huts, water buffalo, monkeys screeching and rice fields and were surprised us again and again, where all the gay wanted in anywhere along the road walking in the children find a good school. It was a totally surreal image that was reinforced by the many self-made horse-drawn carriages, which came toward us. We came in for a surprise out more. On the farm of the two accompanying locals arrived (they had two reed huts and bamboo veranda), we did once break. And David and I were the same with all sorts of exotic fruits and a specially arranged for us Cockfight!! extremely friendly welcome for us in this hitherto unknown world.

When we arrived after the 24-hour journey in Bima were allowed to enjoy our broken limbs then, finally, the daily madness of public transport: We went to 17! in the minibus, with the women who gave not just children or unsatisfied, uttering before each curve rapidly approached prayers to their respective tribal god in the evening sky. At the destination we rattled on with the horse-drawn carriage to the port where the next ferry was waiting for us.

With best wishes from Sumbawa

your marius

Photo: Children at and on the school bus from Sumbawa


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