Sunday, March 26, 2006

How Do I See My Friend On Oovoo

the way in the Jurassic Park

Flores means "flower" in Portuguese, and deserve the colonial conquerors had baptized this eastern Indonesian island of that name.

The country is infinitely beautiful, full of countless treasures of flora and fauna, and in general still completely natural. People travel here by a land before time, and it is just wonderful. Throughout the meeting a soul force before laughing and pretty faces, you travel through absolutely breathtaking scenery, marked by smoldering volcanoes, green green green jungle and endless sandy beaches. We walk through traditional villages with totem poles, diving with sharks and solidify ehrführchtig before the Komodo dragon. We gather to listen coral, Guitar sounds and the songs that are celebrated on every street corner, drinking rice wine also, chewing intoxicating beetle nuts, and in between we travel for hours long bus rides down by the prehistoric topography exclusively of curves.

Flores - fresh and wonderful.

was the highlight will undoubtedly have a place on the day of our arrival on Flores. Namely, there we rented together with Steve, our former colleagues from South Africa, a boat which carried us the absolutely enchanting island scenery - what A successful union of nature - right after Rinca on the "Komodo National Park" brought. Along the way, as our quasi-cutter was accompanied by dolphins and turtles, we were already a small taste of what we should expect there to amazing wildlife has everything. On Rinca namely the previously mentioned live Komodo dragon. It is up to three meters long meat-eating dinosaurs, which can devour whole buffalo.

with due reverence and a touch of horror so we entered the island. And it was like being in Jurassic Park, the landscape, the silence, the tension - inevitably came to the associations with the Spielberg movie Monument. Then an encounter with these monstrous reptiles: huge. It is probably the next thing on earth still remembers the dinosaurs. Mesmerized and frightened by these beasts - one week before has a guide arm out a little bit, and he is still in hospital - we follow each of their deceptively slow movements. I find it hard not to say that it was probably one of the most exciting moments of my trip so far.
As if there were not enough of the daily experiences was our trip to Labuan Bajo, the sleepy fishing village in which we live, additionally sweetened with an absolutely superb snorkeling trip.

Floral greetings

Your David

What Type Of Smell Does Herpes Discharge Have

With Cola truck to an island in a different time

via island hopping through Lombok and Sumbawa to Flores and Komodo, so was David's and my plan when we hanging out in Bali's easternmost port and after a suitable transport lookout kept. After a bit of back and forth and a couple of somewhat dubious discussions with self-styled "tour", we decided to finally come into the years for a Coke truck, which had targeted the exact same route as us. What luck!

And we cruises happily go for now by ferry in the night the four-hour drive to meet Lombok, from where we wanted to start the truck, the actual ride. Once there, David and I noticed it first hand, of obvious that we were not the only ones who had booked the cola truck. For it was now necessary to accommodate a total of six people now in something seemingly tiny driver cabin. We, three Indonesians, plus David and I, and the driver kneaded and folded our bodies until we were finally ready for the upcoming 20-hour ride through the appearing in the cockpit very sultry summer night. We are sure this would all love to talk more, but when David and I did not Indonesian speak, and clearly for an extravagant sign language was not enough room, we had all just the language that everyone understands that the mischievous one another grin and the polite to each other smile:)

When we after another ferry ride our Trip to Sumbawa continued, and our lemonade truck rocked there from pothole to pothole, it was as if we had taken a journey through time. We wobbled and swayed on the monsoon-soaked mud road through the jungle Sumbawa, which, as David and I found absolutely stunned, the only Ostwestverbindung the entire island is 400 km wide. We slowed for cows, goats, Sheep and footballs sailed past reed huts, water buffalo, monkeys screeching and rice fields and were surprised us again and again, where all the gay wanted in anywhere along the road walking in the children find a good school. It was a totally surreal image that was reinforced by the many self-made horse-drawn carriages, which came toward us. We came in for a surprise out more. On the farm of the two accompanying locals arrived (they had two reed huts and bamboo veranda), we did once break. And David and I were the same with all sorts of exotic fruits and a specially arranged for us Cockfight!! extremely friendly welcome for us in this hitherto unknown world.

When we arrived after the 24-hour journey in Bima were allowed to enjoy our broken limbs then, finally, the daily madness of public transport: We went to 17! in the minibus, with the women who gave not just children or unsatisfied, uttering before each curve rapidly approached prayers to their respective tribal god in the evening sky. At the destination we rattled on with the horse-drawn carriage to the port where the next ferry was waiting for us.

With best wishes from Sumbawa

your marius

Photo: Children at and on the school bus from Sumbawa

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Thinkpad T60p No Audio Device

Bromo - Sublim

Much, much brains I have many, many hours frittered, a to find words that could describe the unimaginably fascinating landscape of the national park around the volcano Bromo best. And then, suddenly it shot me from the depths of my English exam to mind: Sublim !
"The Sublime and Exalted is connected to the feeling of vastness and inaccessibility. It triggers wonder, the awe associated with is "(Wikipedia). Awesome, truly we were there, and were less than overwhelmed by the massive volcanic team, which stretches to 2700 meters above the sky.

The first morning after our arrival, broke Marius and I at 3:30 clock in the dark of night and we were on our hour-long way from our Guest House (which was brilliant as directly on the giant outer crater rim), down through the main crater and then back up to the volcanic cone of Mt.Bromo, from there to see the sunrise. Unfortunately, the sky was full of black clouds of the rainy season fading, so that a picture book in question was not sunrise. Yet we endured on the narrow, but huge ridge in the radius, and waited for the breaking in Daylight.

Moved by the mysterious and almost holy atmosphere like that of a distant star, I pulled out my music bar, listening Grönemeyer's "The moon is up, and looked attentively in the waning night. And at that moment, when the last chords of the song died away shone suddenly two hints of sun rays in a vague, warm morning on the in with a time of seeing majestic lava field, only a few seconds later just as fast for ever and ever again to disappear. What remained was the cold gray Light of dusk, they from illuminates then ever, this ash-gray distance, punctuated by the rugged ridges and paths of destruction of former eruptions, and it glittered and reflected on to a smooth stone had become ash surfaces in light reflected gray to dim the morning sky - sublime!

I could philosophize forever and rave about this wonderful and magical moment, but I have to admit at this point simply to the imagination of everyone who reads through this.

Later in the day the sky cleared up then, fortunately, something on, and we arrived at our day hike in, around and through the middle of the Mt.Bromo be amazed almost not get out.
The special feature of this area is that it includes three powerful volcanoes, which can be seen on clear all. Two of the volcanoes are still active alert, and as a swell depending on the wind again, the sulfur smell of the non-stop steaming Mt Bromo in the nose, while at the same time in the 20-minute intervals from the top down snow of fine ash particles and dusted. In this rhythm, namely the Mt Semeru regularly belches up his small ejections and leaves it to the poor of the constant wind, which then distributes the particles landward.

in bright daylight and in relatively clear weather to climb a second time the Bromo and stand on the crater rim before we made our way home topped, then again anything previously seen. I spare you this, but all formulations and refer to the pictures in our photo album, which should deliver a better product than I can put it in words ever.


Your David

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Recipe Book Sayings For Shower

My first birthday on Indonesian waters

Not 5 minutes of the 14th March were passed, when I is the best Titanic style my new life in the quasi- Flight received similar storm. Can we actually do an even great gift, as somewhere between Singapore and Jakarta to track down the wide, blue sea, the total freedom to see with the gusty sea breeze in your hair and nothing for miles, as the ever advancing border and in silvery full moon glistening waves. I think not.
even more beautiful that I had this great experience that allowed Marius and I "practice" has already been in the setting sun indulged. A great sailor salute goes out to the captain and the entire bridge crew of our 1300 steamer soul who welcomed us so warmly welcoming me into their midst and this unforgettable Birthday moment brought.

was no less brilliant, the further course of my great day. Together with Marius and Laura, a Dutch fellow, it was said that is the afternoon "game, fun and excitement" in Anchol Dreamland. Going to an amusement park, is perhaps not the most obvious, what comes to mind when the first time in a city like Jakarta puts it on foot. But this unusual request was approved at the end of all as a resounding success. Not just us hacks with the roller coaster by the incredibly sultry air and looked over the city from the ferris wheel, but we were also in the delight of a rejuvenating refreshment orgy. The large light-finals played in the directly adjacent namely, vast experience pool.

Gengenbacher As in the best swimming times, we blew through the flow channels under the waterfalls, pools and the balls on the sun terraces. The undisputed highlight, however, is the countless long-distance slides, we were all in the storm and it a joy to have as a cow on her little calf:)

with chlorine in the eyes, sea salt in your hair and a final beer in left gills it to sleep very happy.

Your David

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Ccleaner Vs Tune Up Utilities

With the Pelni ship to Jakarta

Almost seven weeks ago, when I arrived in Thailand, where my travel pace amidst the many backpackers significantly slowed to the sea, the scenery and the mega-cities of Thailand and to enjoy in Malaysia.

from Singapore to the mainland but was first concluded, and so had David and me (together again on the road) to consider how we might keep in mind the next 1050 km from Java to water. 'The ship of Pelni' was not only flying reply, and so we checked on the eve of deposition in Economy Class on Dobonsolo, a huge passenger ship, a.
Since we were now deep in the belly of the ship, crowded together on neatly laid down wooden bunks with about 1,200 non-European travelers, which is also the 28-hour boat trip in a small room, the sleeping accommodation in attack nahmen.Mitten among all the people of the 'underclass', including many families and Kettenalleswegraucher, David and I had to inevitably and constantly smiling to think Leonardo DiCaprio, who lived on the Titanic in the same environment before he began to roam around on deck to capture the ship.
dressed so we go on deck and down the aisles and looked for work perfectly. That also came in abundance, as a result of our European appearance, we both fell and Laurence from Holland, whom we met on deck, on how colorful and dogs were on all sides with a friendly "Hey Mister" or "Hello my Friend" welcomed before we were asked by our origins and our travel plans, etc.. The ship's crew seemed to be the specific nature of their "cargo" to be aware, because it was not long before we received an invitation to visit the bridge of the huge ship. Once there, the officer told us over tea and biscuits certainly pleased with the change all the details of the local equipment and the entire Ship. We lounged so still around some time on the bridge, and after David had translated in the German author of "Isotemp-glass composite heat protection-2000 instruction manual" for the third officer to English, we were given passes for almost the entire ship, which we as First used for the "Leonardo DiCaprio-on-the-Titanic-bow" recreate scene.

Another highlight for the Into David's birthday celebrations, we experienced when we renewed the invitation on the following day ACTING officer of a ship to observe the arrival of the ship from the bridge. There was in fact the looseness of the previous day nothing to feel more. The bridge was with tax officers and men (women) fully occupied, all highly concentrated at their posts to maneuver the 3800-ton colossus in the lake from the tiny port of Jakarta apparently acting millimeter. Genuine Custom-made! had parked
When the ship right in the narrow harbor after a reckless act 180-degree turn at the intended landing place, she went out to battle our way through the crowds of Jakarta's port bahnend to there in the wild doings of our trip back to continue by land.

With best wishes, Ahoy,
your marius

Recipe Sayings For Bridal Shower

The longest sausage Singapore

heart of China Town it was when I was suddenly aware of German brass band, which resounded across from "Eric's hot dog stand" to me. There, on the self-proclaimed "last stand before the sausage equator" so it was grilled, the longest sausage Singapore. Things are very clear that I could not miss. In the course of World Cup preparation, organizing the German embassy and the Goethe-Institut here regularly any "Discover Germany" actions to promote our beautiful country. How fortunate that I have just drawn that day my only remaining clean shirt. This I did at the night market in KL for proud 3.50 Euo acquired and but I really should come only at the big screen evenings of the upcoming World Cup are used: the German national team. So I was still dressed appropriately.

Before it could come to all this, however, should I still lose a little farce to the Access to Singapore. I came in the night bus from Kuala Lumpur with my two Norwegian companion, with whom I had traveled the last few days. At the border we were released from the bus to the customs house of Malaysia and Singapore, only to be picked up at the other end of each of the stamps in the passport again.

However, after the Singapore Customs exactly us army stormed the Chinese switch, it took time until we were finally through. The enthusiasm was limited, as we have found that it had taken the bus driver apparently a little too long. The bus was in fact together and thank God, only a few of our utensils just not now there, gone, goodbye, drove. What a fun clock at 4:30 in the morning.
rioted After initial consternation, however, as long as we then wildly gesticulating and arguing on the bus until we were eventually picked up by a bus of the same company and therefore at some point in the twilight, but still reached their destination.

Curiously, Marius was the same night in another bus at a different time happened to almost all the same as we were allowed to learn the next morning at our new reunion. However, he had to go all the way between the two limits by means of a forced march (7km) walk, because he had to organize later before entering Singapore or the exit stamp from Malaysia, which he had slept in the bus. No question that his bus was long gone (which it does not actually exist in Singapore).

Singapore way, is a truly sensational clean and orderly city. Everything here is straight, correct, Meticulous, punctual, and neat finish, but without seeming sterile. The myriad of shopping malls in addition to the distinctive architecture of the Opera House, the picturesque river bay with all its small pubs and even the cleanliness probably the most striking, what makes Singapore. Marius and I are featured again and again, as it would be like if it were directly from Delhi herfliegen here - beyond compare, a maximum contrast.

For all friends of the "dark side": a special treat I indulged me as I to the huge "Star Wars Exhibition" was. There were original costumes, models, figures, background information, screenshots ... in short everything issued what a Jedi's heart could wish for. For two hours I was back to his child.

May the force be with you!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Yamaha 2010 R1 Salvage

's go football fans

"Happy purely run" would once again fall under this heading today's highlight. Actually I only wanted my photos in the "Time Square Mall" collect and make me again on the way home, but it should happen quite differently.

I caught in the lift this giant shopping mall that is the wrong button and landed right in the floor, in which the integrated roller coaster and is the largest IMAX cinema in Southeast Asia. From the unexpected crowds attracted to the tümmelten there in front of the entrance, I accidentally stumbled into a very unique event.

Just today was indeed the original World Cup trophy, which is currently before the World Cup is also on a little trip around the world, available in Kuala Lumpur for a visit and the public. I had no tickets but found myself just to stupid and, hey presto, I was away at a time less than 20 inches from the precious trophy. Can you believe it? I'm standing right in front of the trophy, which in a few months, I hope our beloved national team in their hands is. was a photo there then for umme "on top, and so I believe this story also someone, I make this! Posted proudly on display:)

before that in mind," football, yet to score !

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Which Room Did Anna Nic

From green jungle in the big city jungle

there After the days in the jungle right there with the stay in Kuala Lumpur once again a decent contrast. Even from afar you can see the Petronas Towers, the tallest twin towers in the world, stand up on the street canyons, and draws a big city inevitably in its spell. Kuala Lumpur is a great city, such as I think. On the very day one I stormed with my fellow-Grethe, Janne (Norway) and Mike (Canada), the Time Square shopping center. The thing is an absolute monster of a shopping mall
The dimensions of this building will be a really clear when suddenly at the amusement park stands (including the roller coaster), which is located entirely within the building. The bright madness.

No less impressive are of course the Petronas Towers, on the connecting bridge we have now moved early in a dizzying height.

Another Colossus is located about 15 km out of town at the equally colossal Batu Cave. This time it was a colossal and completely overwhelming large Hindu statue that rises in gold dress in front of the rock.

The usual suspects as Chinatown, Little India and the holy sites of all kinds of religions are naturally lively and vibrant present and complete the overall picture of this great city. Now I'm still waiting from the onset of a 17 day time clock will rain and then go nice food and a little shake up the night market, along the lines of 'shop till you drop. "

Oversized Regards, David

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

What The Difference Between Magnum Xl

4 days and 3 nights rainforest symphony with chocolate cake for a farewell:)

How did you David already wrote, I too for a few days in the rain forest was on the road. Together with Peter from London, I got me food and the approval of the Park Department for the days and nights in the jungle. Together with him, I then also in the following days, very experienced and enjoyed very much adventurous, far too much suffering to tell you everything in detail to detail.

We have for example not found one on a map drawn in rain forest full of aboriginal settlement and the ascertained need to make sure we were there anything but welcome. Subsequently, it I almost died in a cave of a heart attack when suddenly hundreds of bats were flying around me and brushing my head. Peter has possibly the unofficial world record in "picking up the Blutekel Wade won. We have a night full of ecstasy in the observation hut "Bunbun Yong" in the fourth floor of the rain forest symphony listening and watching the game drinking. Then the rats are eating for almost two full days have weggefuttert etc. etc. There were a thousand adventurous events, a wonderful time.

a high point (for me, unfortunately in a bad way) I want to give you the best yet: when I on the morning of the fourth day very happy found that the food we were spared by the rats on the night away and had our extensive "rat defensive construction" seems to work, I opened the diffuse light in the undergrowth of the jungle quickly bite into the delicious, shrink-wrapped chocolate cakes to then enjoyable. "Hamm .... mmh" but at once: "Uh, Yuck, gag, puke, ugh, ugh Deifel" spat, and I choked a split second later by the forest and broke the bite and all I had not swallowed back me out of it. I suddenly had a terrible and terribly leaden sour taste in the mouth, crawling around and around my mouth and tickled it wild like. Terrible. So fast it went, I washed myself with all the drinking water that we had the mouth, rubbed my face and the biting tried to calm my taste buds again. With little success! The taste was very slowly through the water better and for much creamier and initially even more unbearable. I tell you, it was terribly disgusting, and I knew not even what had just happened to me. I just knew that I had bitten into something horribly disgusting, which burned like fire in my mouth. Only when I slowly calmed down and saw the chocolate cake on the floor, I understood the reason for my suffering. The entire filling of the chocolate cake was actually only thousands and thousands of small red ants that herauskrabbelten from him like crazy. Phew, was the nasty. Fortunately, however, this was the only unpleasant surprise of the day.

re good in Kuala Lumpur Zivlisation arrived
your marius

Wholesale Yarn For Me

the way in the jungle - Part 2

Once I was back after dinner half-way for forces already sounded the first notes of the upcoming jungle symphony. For the full enjoyment of the concert I went after the onset of darkness on the way for a little night hike. Armed with my flashlight, and MP3 player, or in this case better MP3 player, I was sitting somewhere in the bush and called the incredibly colorful background noise and the unique atmosphere in me, as the trees around the water. But to see and there was a lot: the fireflies celebrated their colorful game on the ground was littered with phosphorescent leaves, while the Dschungelbächlein reflected in the moon light the towering trees.

The night on the wooden bench in the observation hut was rather uncomfortable as well as morning finding that the number of rats in the night my entire bread stock had aufgevespert, although I had my food supplies extra still hung with a nail in the wall .

On the return trip I have planned as yet actually met Marius. I had almost given up hope, especially as I had on this hike twice tangled again properly. But then the joy was all the greater, and we also celebrated immediately with a refreshing dip in the nearby jungle river.

Soon after that it should go to both but again. For me to Kuala Lumpur and Marius for two more nights in the jungle before we would meet again in Singapore.

From the jungle,
Your David

Monday, March 6, 2006

How Does Starting Exercise Affect Periods

Heading in the oldest jungle in the world - Part I

"Taman Negara" he means the oldest jungle in general, and he is right in the heart of the Malay Peninsula. After my organizational extra day in the tea estates, I made my way to where to stay Marius the fascination of the jungle, could already have been experiencing a moon long.

On the same evening I made all preparations to be ready the next morning for my two-day jungle trek. Wasserentkeimungstabletten, enough food, blanket, lamp, and what you experience,:) just so needed in the jungle.

early in the morning then I went to the track. The "must-do for any visitor to the park is the" Canope-Walkway "which is visited according to good (even by me). And because you're always so happy to hear about all the "superlativsten" facts, be said at this point, that this act is the longest suspension bridge in the world. It is indeed an impressive structure, which with its nearly 500 meters and some 40 meters above the ground, from tree crown to tree crown forthangelt.

In the further course of the trek is gradually thinned the sighted visitor numbers to a population of 0.25 per hour. Approximately the same extent reduced, unfortunately, the visibility of the beaten track, so I at once was pretty lost in the jungle, surrounded by the extremely hostile mandrel path-less palm trees and all the other flora. Fortunately, roared in the distance, the river that my focus was definitely in a positive way contribute.

Just before I reached the path again, but there was a serious scare. Because while I have so my way through the bushes, paved again and again palm leaves and ferns on the side sliding, sitting there suddenly a ghastly green snake zusammengekringelt front of me on a Journal and is basking. It makes you a picture, which made for a set I to the rear and above all, a soundtrack with what I painted this. I'm really scared to death and have a shrill cry of release, especially since I was indeed only one second from being just blame this sheet along with snake to the side. As I was later to my relief still learn, these were most likely a highly toxic Viper that a person brings in two bites almost certainly around the corner.

Happy me five minutes and a snake photo later to find along the way, it went to the last meter in the direction "Bumbum Kubang", a small observation hut, which also serves as a place to stay for the few visitors who get lost here. I was now absolutely soaking wet from the inhuman and ungodly humidity and was looking forward very much to the upcoming supply of Chinese noodle soup, which was waiting in my backpack on their destruction.

Adventurous greetings

Friday, March 3, 2006

Propane Ovens And Carbon Monoxide

The tea plantations of Cameron Highlands

The day after my Kletterabstecher was back on the agenda all-day transport. The aim was Penang, Malaysia. There I had made a fellow student contact to Melissa, who took us along with her roommate Astrid in the evening reception. The two do there is currently an intern and were happy to once again see his native language or to faces and hear. The extremely comfortable place to stay, in which the two are housed should be our camp for the next two days. So we spent a wonderful time in the former British colony of Georgetown and visited an imposing temple, Chinatown, shopping malls and what not else had seen. All this was rounded on by a total of very good food, good conversation and much much Industrieeis beach at night:) Thank you both at this point!

The next day it was, however, already been back on to the Cameron Highlands. A 1500 meter high-altitude area, which is the incredible closeness eludes everywhere else in the country, and its special feature is the huge tea and strawberry plantations. A unique visual treat is to report on the surging plantations to look and absorb the rich and lush green formally always the spicy smell of tea plants in the nostrils.

Marius and I were on the first day on a challenging trek through the jungle, which is available everywhere just does not want plantations. Although exhausting, it was still a beautiful day the intoxicating with its views and the fascinating jungle enthusiasts. Fully infected by jungle fever I grabbed some point a vine and swung it a round back and forth. After confirming the supposed stability of this suspension, I raised the difficulty level and the slope a few degrees and then attacked with full vigor in the vine. I would have probably been able to think before that happens. In any case, the Liana was in the middle of the flight path after a sudden and I crashed headfirst into the jungle thicket. No question that Marius broke down with laughter and not me less.

In this sense, smiling greetings

your Mowgli and Tarzan

PS: There are photo updates of the sunsets in Ko Phangan.

Linsey Dawn Pic Rubber Johnny

Hoehlenklettern the beach

the climbing paradise of Tonsai Beach is Marius and my way have met again. Our happy reunion, we rewarded the same evening (barracuda was served) with a gourmet fish platter and a moderate, between, three, four beers:) The next day was addressed in line slowly, but should take a great course.

how it should be the day of my maiden climbing and the same in the Mecca of rock trailer and Magnesiafinger. Marius, now a "village" known face, organized in no time the required equipment and then it could also go off already. First we had to walk around a bay, only to reach after 20 minutes beach walk to the rock tower that was to climb it in half. Hip belt buckled, Snap hooked, mounted head lamp, and then it went uphill. I must say, a really great feeling, so in the wall lights hängen.Unterhalb the turquoise sea, and his white beach and all around stand the bizarre rock formations of this area - simply brilliant, and certainly a highlight!

Although the word highlight only half the truth. For "high" above, we were indeed so, but to the "light" it should be ordered from now on ill. It waited namely, a pitch-dark cave to us by which we had 20 minutes to squeeze armed with headlamps. The reward for this was phenomenal. Because at the other end we came to an absolutely beautiful dream beach, which is otherwise accessible only by boat. The cooling was a treat before we went before sunset on the way back.

Your Climbing ape David