Perhaps the best first one after the other. Bangladesh is the country where I am now, and how you plan about half a year must be to finally track down times an Internet PC. But now I've found one and can tell you that when crossing the border the landscape (as well as the humidity) has become quite suddenly is tropical. The road from Calcutta to Dhaka takes you past endless rice fields, mangrove forests, Basthüttchen, palm groves and, above all in countless rivers. Over 250 rivers flow from north to south, and give the country the fertile ground for a wonderful variety of fruits and vegetables at local markets.
striking just as the landscape change at the border was re-Schwank unique direction in hospitality. Where Busbelegschaft had on the Indian side still slept and slumbered, she was replaced as in Bangladesh. Once again arrived in a Muslim country, it poured again meet this astonishing frankness. No trace of anger because of cartoons is on Western tourists, as recommended in the German press. Instead, was the first competition: Who fills most purely in the candy Touri? The second was: Who will be able to invite the Touri at the rest stop to eat, etc.
I'm from Iran and Pakistan, it's warm welcome not get better. But my personal highlight in this regard, I experienced the stressful and Reiseplanungstag final in Dhaka. I was accompanied throughout the entire long and exhausting day of a young Bangladeshi who saw her in spite of my repeatedly expressed waiver as his moral duty to me in my desperate and hapless Search to accompany her to embassies, travel agencies and bus stations. (This land is sometimes really hard to travel). Last but not least me, the gifted singer delighted with the report of the national anthem. That's not enough of the daily experiences. In the evening I must actually call the young family that had me the day before the bus approached and invited to dinner. No sooner said than done. And then I found myself shaking thousands of hands close to rivers in the Old Town. The father dragged me from Neighbourhood "brother" Neighbourhood "brother" and the whole thing back again. On the traditional night bazaar, I had no choice but to bite at least pure in every fruit and every vegetable that cultured resident of Farmers' Association and washes on the market. And that's a lot! On the roof of the granny there was then a hot game of badminton doubles, before I was invited to a sumptuous dinner and was allowed to look at family photos by 1 clock. Fully loaded with eatables for the upcoming bus trip, I was then paid for the rickshaw to the hotel and a memorable day came to an end.
from Bangladesh in good hands,
Your David
PS: Montezuma, however, seems to be no great pleasure to have in my joy and takes revenge for what ever, at least once more to me, with a glorious Comeback. That the "Sprite" not even after bubbling in seconds and unchecked by the direct path from body to body main entrance, is all:)
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