said than done, snorkel bought geschippert to the island, clear and pure in the soup. And there she was, this spectacular marine flora and fauna of the coral reefs of Ko Tao. Friends, I tell you, I had a joy like little children were delighted with 'Mortal Combat Deadly Alliance' at last appeared on the Gamecube console:
blue spotted rays, soldier fish, striped snipe knife fish, stone fish, groupers, parrot fish, remora, mackerel, barracuda, butterfly fish, angel fish, clown fish, wrasse, surgeon fish, tuna fish, file fish, Sail fish, porcupine and puffer fish, crabs, fish box, and, and, and. And I the middle of it:) It's one thing when I home my budgie "Emig" stroke, but it's different when I was in the soft corals in the Gulf of Thailand is on the belly damselfish Crawford :)
The familiarity of the fish literally explodes, if you wear plastic bags wrapped in banana or toast with it. In a moment you are surrounded by hordes of fish that glow in the most colorful and gaudy colors by the turquoise sea - fabulous. And the moral of the story: "If you have noticed too many fish, he has been since the burn." :)
After 3 days of snorkelling and Extreme Extreme sunburning, but slowly I realized that it was time to go to the mainland and progress, and it embraced me the travel bug. So I broke away with the night ferry to the West Coast, where I in the climbing mecca of Ton Sai Beach Marius already expected. On the way, I still had to pay a bill.
The sting of the failed attempt to travel overland through Myanmar, was sitting deep, and for several days, I toyed with the idea to join in on the way to the West Coast is known as a Visa Run. This make many long-term Thailand Tourists must renew their visas and for this purpose shortly to foreign countries and then travel back to Thailand. And so it was not impractical, that exactly on my route a border crossing to Myanmar was, however, is only accessible by boat. I do not care. Three hours cost me the detour to five dollars and a wet pack. And then I was exactly 10 minutes in Myanmar. Stamp in the passport and whoosh, the Countries gap is closed, yay:)
Complete Greetings from the South
Your David
Photo: www.wikipwdia.de
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