Here then had Alain from Colorado and I six brilliant days that we so spent to breakfast Hippel under palm trees, then climb on the beach or in the jungle of crazy rock structures to us then cooling again in the sea. Then we went regularly to the slack linen and chill in one of the beach bars under the palm trees - it was just fantastic. This in itself was heavenly daily routine from 7 Days topped, when we met Matt Maddeloni.
This just created a DVD and Guidebook turned a film about the Deep Water Soloing (DWS), a relatively unknown form of sport climbing. DWS When you climb without a safety rope just above the sea, in the event of failure by jumping into the water quite quickly again, "to descend". If you do not, however, refused, you have the probelms of the longest departure into the cool water;).
When Matt we submitted the offer to accompany him a few days at his job and to climb with him, revealed himself Alain and me the opportunity of our lives. So it went for three days by long tail boat out to the rocks on the sea to get from there by kayak to the entrances of the routes. From here the real drama took its course. It has been climbed and climbed, higher and higher as far as it went some way until we clung to us completely exhausted at some grip and neither before nor decreased. Since then we hung without power in the hands, but with a breathtaking view of the deep blue water below us - and, with buttery soft knees fear. We blew and snorted whimpered for help and were desperate for any way out. But it did not help, the only salvation was the sea, but unfortunately a lot deeper! So it happened at some point, finally, when all power was used up ... "Aaaaaah ..." - Plaaatsch. The pent-up tension erupted when released and the associated departure in depth with a massive primal scream that even the best of Johnny Weissmuller screams surpassed by a mile before the bang was heard of the entries. "I live, I swim ... totally crazy! Simply brilliant! The absolute Hammer! Madness!" Total infected by this ultimate thrill, we looked for higher and more routes be translated to repeat this insanity and us time and again to get the same kick: And again and again ... "Aaaaaah ..." - Plaaatsch. Completely crazy! Real, Deep Water Soloing is the greatest and most exciting thing I could do before, and simply wonderful genius.
The fortunate circumstance that Matt to me then the first ascent of the simple approach to the large sinter column of Ao Nang Tower (pictured) winning bids and the next leader as OZIN3 (5c) will be titled, I'm flattered, of course, especially:)
With erdbeschleunigten and adrenaline-filled wishes from Tonsai
your marius
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