After an unconfirmed Report of the Hamas television station operated by the El Aqsa killed up to 20 people, including nine Turkish nationals. The report was also about 50 casualties of the question. A spokesman for the parties to the Turkish organization IHH aid mission told AFP in the raid were 15 people killed.
Israeli commercial channel "10" reports, an Israeli commando opened fire after some activists of the flotilla had attacked them with axes and knives. The six ships of the convoy with hundreds of activists on board on Sunday had left the Cypriot territorial waters and made their way to the Gaza Strip. Israel had repeatedly it threatened to stop the small fleet to use force if necessary.
Israel's Industry and Trade Minister Benjamin Ben Eliezer expressed his "sorrow for the dead" from. The television images of the assault were "not nice," said Eliezer, the Israeli military radio. The army did not have the intention to open fire, "but it was a tremendous challenge," added Eliezer. During the assault to military details of at least four Israeli soldiers were injured, one of them by a bullet. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas described the use of the Israeli army as a "massacre" and imposed a three-day national mourning.

"We condemn these inhuman practices of Israel sharply," said the Turkish foreign ministry in Ankara. The Israeli military operation against the flotilla of hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists constituted a "clear" breach of international law and could lead to "irreparable" consequences in bilateral relations. The Turkish government ordered an Israeli ambassador. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan broke, according to television reports his trip from South America.
Source: www.yahoo.de
has once again proved the right-wing Israeli politics to what they are all capable, that is a mess and mess, hopefully this criminal baggage arrives soon times in The Hague and will remain in chains, thanks!
When I look at these FIGS soldiers I need not wonder how far humanity has fallen in their moral self-understanding, soldiers scrawl on bombed-out floor jokes in large Hebrew manner, are not saints because of a sog.Religion and can afford these atrocities that is not "cool", wars and soldiering is the last option of a disabled themselves and the totally alienated from other people, his inner deadness, channeled into hatred of others and wants to wipe his surroundings.
Just because a few ships, the area want to visit concentration camps, slaughtered them, why there is no "retaliation" to the internat.Staatengemeinschaft why these fascists will not be arrested.
What number and complaint resolution are needed to what happened!
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