Thursday, May 6, 2010

How Long Can You Marinate Lamb In Buttermilk

Interview: Prof.Senf the euro is a bad design


Today I received an email from the ECB by pointing out that today an opinion on a draft law was published regarding my inquiry of 2/16/2010. this morning's opinion, is one of the biggest scandals of our time. The date of publication, although the 30.04.2010, but after consultation with the ECB, I was assured that this document was published today. Upon request, whether it be in German would be available, I was told that they would publish it for reasons of cost only in English and Greek. I'm shocked. It is a LAW that cash as the sole legal tender and abolishes at least the Germans will raise 22 billion, I'm thinking the 200 € for the translation of such a document which should be in it might cost. But enough of words, read for yourself (especially the second paragraph):

Introduction and legal basis

On 26 March 2010 received the European Central Bank (ECB) a request by the Greek Minister of Finance for an opinion regarding a bill, which the justice of taxation again is to maintain and tax treatment (the draft law called).

The ECB's competence to issue an opinion based on Articles 127 (4) and 282 (5) of the Agreement of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union and the second and fifth collection of Articles 2 (1) of Council Decision
98/415 / EC of 29 June 1998 in relation to the consultation of the European Central Bank by national authorities regarding draft legislative provisions, as the bill for payment and settlement systems relates. In accordance with the first sentence of Article 17.5 of the rules of procedure, process the European Central Bank, the Executive Board of the ECB is Opinion was adopted.

first Intention of the bill

Among other things, aims to introduce the Bill to the progressive establishment of electronic billing.
Article 20 of the bill introduces specific restrictions on cash payments in favor of other types of payment to ensure the authenticity of transactions and the underlying documents, and multiple testing of such transactions can make en.
Article 20 (2) of the draft law indicates that for transactions between businesses, accounts and related documents with a value exceeding € 3,000, to be paid by commercial bank accounts or by checks made payable to such Accounts are paid. These accounts are connected to a secure electronic database that is maintained by the General Secretary of the Treasury for information systems. Banking secrecy may be lifted and for the purpose and operation of such banks for business accounts do not charge.

Article 20 (3) of the draft law defines the invoices for goods or services must be paid for with a value over 1500 € by bank debit cards, credit cards or checks, and use
of cash will not be allowed .


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