in God's name?
What would you say if you watch how to take extremist sects step by step the key positions of international power? What if these groups do so because they think they are God's chosen one, chosen to bring the world affairs in accordance with biblical prophecy, so that at the end of the Messiah appears? What if the zealots as the last step in this direction will ignite the Middle East from a third world war, which shall only the Holy Land and then the rest of the world in ruins? Frightening but true - exactly what happens in that moment.
The most active role in this battle largely unobserved end play Evangelical Pentecostal Churches, the Jewish New Age pseudo-cult of Chabad Lubavitch and Hardal, the representative of the radical "religious Zionism". Each of these groups, it has now brought to frightening power:
The German Focus magazine, which is the global budget of the American Kabbalamultis Chabad with "100 million dollars a year to say the least estimated "estimates - that's fewer than half of what the Vatican has at his disposal (!) - called the last cult leader Schneerson" the secret rulers of Israel's Jewish state .... No man, whether a member of the Likud or the Labor Party, came from a U.S. trip around a private audience. " Moishe, son of the closest Schneerson confidant Yehudah Krinsky and Press Secretary, gives the Journal to opposite: "The Rebbe was involved in every process in Israel."
addition, it is Chabad succeeded in recent years, worldwide, the majority of the Jewish Chefrabbinate to to tear itself operates. About these colonies, the sect (the former Berlin rabbi Reform Rabbi Walter Rothschild, a "mental illness" is called) now on diplomatic policy as well, lobby-specific channels and secret service of Israel.
The enduring influence of Chabad and Hardal depends on the United States, where in the wake of George W. Bush enters the spirit of Christian end-time thinking about the levers of power. While in 2003 Chabadnik Paul Wolfowitz headed as "gray eminence" occult power the world in the Bible prophesied the Iraq war, he assitierten fact biblical drives following or such insinuations listening: the President, Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser and current Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Justice Minister John Ashcroft, the chairman of the Republicans in the House of Representatives Tom DeLay, majority leader of the Republicans in the Senate (No. 1 and leader of his party), Bill Frist, his deputy (and No. 2) Mitch McConnell, the No. 3 of Reps, Senate Republican Conference Chairman Senator Rick Santorum, the No. 4 of the party, Senate Republican Policy Chairman Jon Kyl Comittee, the Republican Speaker of the House and Speaker Dennis Hastert deputy group. For this purpose several presidential adviser and the chairman of the Homeland Security Department. Every one of those named was talking ideological and / or personal connections to apocalyptic-messianic networks, some of them settled on the eve of the Iraq War advice from obscure Bible Code experts and doomsday guru.
Today Endzeitkabale drives to a war against Iran - in the open intention of Russia in the revelatory final battle "against Gog Magog" and contrary to drag out the Middle Eastern battlefield of Armageddon its peak. It should NOT BE surprised, when President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran plays along in the last act of the biblical drama, because he believes the coming of a heavenly Messiah. Last condition: the lifting of the Third World War. Even discussing government representatives critical of the U.S. nuclear establishment open a provocation attack that will set the starting shot in the mass murders.
Mindful of the international silence before and during the murder of Jews of the years 1942-1944, we have warned of a second Holocaust in Israel and a mass slaughter on a global scale. We are opposed to an apocalyptic sectarianism which by unelected think tanks, elite networks and lobby groups worth billions, to the heart of our government is to set out from here the earth on fire. Parliamentary
parliamentary representatives of the people, their citizens for the stewardship and provide any information and accountable to, say, if you take your drive or even leave, you risk disaster and acts
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We call on governments and parliaments of the federal and state
We call an immediate ban on sects and eschatological oriented networks, which undermine the separation of church and state. If in doubt, monitoring by the intelligence and observation to be made by cult commissioner. In any case, before subdivisions such as tax exemptions have to be omitted, etc., to establish beyond doubt that the particular group NOT in the said scheme fits.
We demand the passage of a law that makes it national the government and the state bureaucracy (including members of the public media) prohibits, to include such networks.
We encourage the use of inter / national Inquiry / Commissions of which deal with the dangers that may emanate from the designated structures and educate the public about what their results. Where existing state-subsidized to peace and conflict research institutes are involved in information work.
In the framework of international cooperation (UN, Council of Europe etc.), we insist on building a permanent structure that takes care of this work and lessons learned across borders exchanges. Alternatively or additionally, we expect that will be included on Armageddonsekten international exchange of information from government level down, legislative, executive (secret services and police) and judicial authorities, including.
The subject of an elite international apocalypse is not yet worked up total in history. We demand to refer the matter to state-controlled or subsidized institutions, and especially to the high / elementary education included in this work.
In view of the given threat situation, we feel it is outrageous that the public media are failing in their task as a critical supervisory body. This is looking away rumors Feed, to show that this "fourth state power" by the messianic already infiltrated or controlled by them symbiotically cooperating intelligence services of America and Israel. ("The CIA owns everyone of significance in the mass media." The former CIA chief William Colby David McGowan. "Derailing Democracy: The America the Media Do not Want You to See" Common Courage 2000, p. 13) We call the managers in the media and broadcasting councils and their superiors on to work against this disastrous idea of democratic politics. Political magazine articles have immediately the preparations for war to illuminate, in the so-called Armageddon networks have their origin.
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White Papers
A nightmare scenario
Imagine the following scenario for a moment: A
messianic sect that sees itself as the executor of God, infiltrated the mainstream Judaism as well as key positions of international power. Supported by Christian zealots, they will have access to the presidential palaces in America, Russia and Israel. From here, both camps are looking for world affairs in accordance with biblical prophecy to bring - an event that must be followed to the end: For it is only when the final revelation has been met, the longed-for Messiah coming down to earth. But it is precisely this vision of the world promises, starting from the Middle East the most devastating of all wars. Armageddon. have become
What reads like a script for a James Bond film could, away from the media attention already serious reality. For the pseudo-Jewish Chabad sect is no more fiction like the highly political and bustle of their ubiquitous networks; scene experts have for years pointed out
that the billionaire end times cult is in the process to sit through an equally secretive as it is wide-scale infiltration of movement to the forefront of mainstream Judaism . (Toby Axelrod, Chabad Broadreach, 13 May 2005, Jewish News of Greater Phoenix and Philip Caramel, Chabad Within Europe, ibid, 20 May 2005) Even the cult of the Holy Land supports the long term right-wing settler movement, courted by the national policy: the opening of the pompous Capital Center in Berlin reported the Press 2006 support of Interior Minister Schäuble and Justice Minister Zypries. Opened in 2007, Foreign Minister Steinmeier, the Chabad synagogue in Wilmersdorf. More sustainable, the sect has rooted through skillful management influence in the establishment of Israel: leading politicians such as Benjamin Netanyahu consulted before serious decisions their council, and President Moshe Katsav is a partisan of Messianists the Rabbi Schneerson and Kook
In America, where books cite about the end of the world for years the best-seller lists are managed, meanwhile, in the wake of George W. Bush professed "Christian" fundamentalists, the march to the head of state. Prominent White House officials, including the president himself sympathizing with apocalyptic Pfingstlerkirchen. No less strong the influence is biblical embossed high degree of quasi-Masonic lodges and societies like the Skull-and-Bones-orders, which encourage their members in the delusion of determination and being chosen yet.
There are countless evidence that this dangerous Kabale is a key administrative weight in gear is the last superpower. And that it carries from there, a brand-dangerous political influence - by the will of the people and devoid of democratic plebiscite.
power over the last superpower:
The social position of Chabad in the U.S. is impressive. In 1983 the U.S. Congress placed on the occasion of the 80th Birthday of the cult Messiah Schneerson's birthday as a national day of education (Education Day, USA) fixed and awarded him the National Scroll of Honor Why commemorate every year since then millions of school children a guru "may" be that of a large part of his followers is honored as the incarnate Messiah. But not all: the death of the rabbi in 1994 he was recognized for his lifetime achievement and for his "extraordinary and sustained contributions to global education, morality, and acts of kindness" posthumously the highest civilian award the U.S. Congress, the Congressional Gold Medal, considered. Previously, no religious figure, not even Christian, has been honored with this special honor.
Chabad a shining example? More than once were found leading Chabadniks in the past because of money laundering, Mafia connections and drug trafficking and sentenced. "individual cases "reads the statement of Sparkling line. No slip-ups, however, the religious chosenness delusion, which reached at the cult of radical sizes. Rabbi Schneerson, according to the eulogy, several U.S. presidents model in terms of brotherhood and charity, taught "that the body of a Jewish person of a different quality than the body of [members of] other nations of the world ... The reality of the entire non-Jews is a mere nullity. It is written, 'And the strangers shall guard and feed your flocks'. The entire creation exists only because of the Jews. " (Allen C. Brown Field, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, Washington Report of Middle East Affairs, March 2000) This is an adaptation of the central text of the Lubavitcher Hasidism, the book HaTanya. Whose author, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Lyadi, founder of the Chabad movement, claimed that "that Jewish and Gentile souls are fundamentally different, the former 'divine', the latter 'animal'." (Allan Nadler, Charedi Rabbis Rush To Disavow Anti-Gentile Book, Forward, December 19, 2003) Zalman literally: "The souls of the Goijim (non Jews) are of an entirely different kind of inferior Jews all good by nature, all Goijim evil by nature. The Jews, the crown of creation, the Goijim you are scum. " (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 11 March 1994)
but it has proven to matter to Judaism after Rabbi Schneerson also these "outcasts of God", that they fulfill their prophetic mission, and offer assistance to the elect, respect and earthly riches. As a bridge to this goal uses Chabad of the "Noahide laws" that are not biblical, non-Jews, but set to the Israelite tribe of God of the Old Testament should. From the standpoint of the Talmud believers is the Noachismus the infantry religion for humanity, while the Jews exercise analogous to the laws of Moses, the function of the parent "Priest". "It is clear and obvious," Chief Rabbi Schneerson taught that " we need to run in modern times the divine instruction that was given to us through Moses: 'All human beings are forcing the Noahide commandments ... to accept '"(Shabbos Parshas Tsav, 12th Day of Nissan in 5747: Sichos in English, Vol.35, page 4, 75) If you follow his speeches, you see Schneerson The purpose of this religious collection is that it" pagan nations is determined by God to serve the Jewish people and to help. (Shabbos Parshas Vayeishev, 21th Day of Kislev, 5745c in Sichos in English, vol. 24) The Logentum moved the Noahide statute in 1723 in his "Old Charges of the Free and Accepted Masons a "and the Freemasons say they have always been self as "Noachides. 1991, the beginning of the first Iraq war, George Bush senior was on the peculiar "blessing" of an entire nation: the Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, Congress and the President of the United States solemnly declared that the seven Noahide commandments, the basis of USA formed.
explained So perhaps the Chabad's strong presence in American politics. Levi Shemtov, the capital, representatives of the sect is called from the big leaves, "the unofficial rabbi of the Capitol," so the U.S. Parliament. (Bill Broadway, Hasidic Outpost In DC, Washington Post, 3 July 1999) Thomas Kahn, Democratic staff director of the Parliament Budget Committee added according to the "Jerusalem Post": "There is no one in Parliament, the Government and the Diplomatic Corps received more respect and cordial." (Jerusalem Post, Internet edition of 22 October 2000) The Post confirms that from personal experience: in its Internet edition raises the Israeli Renno Mier sheet a look at the daily events of the Chabad "Embassy" in Washington. Thus we learn that there are in Shemtovs office photos of him involved politicians, including former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a close friend. On the walls hangs ... a bipartisan array of VIPs, including President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "Experienced Next we assume that you are in the National Security Council and the State Department's concerns do Shemtovs own. And that the cult lobbyist is in regular contact with a few dozen ambassadors." Twenty-five, he says, attended the inauguration of the new Chabad building where could see also the Democratic vice presidential candidate Senator Lieberman, various members of Parliament, the Mayor and the Minister for Agriculture. "(Jerusalem Post, Internet edition of 22 October 2000)
When George W. Bush President was, he brought three admirers Rabbi Schneerson with the office: his long-standing Spokesman Ari Fleischer, White House Deputy Chief of Staff (now Chief of Staff) Josh Bolton and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. The latter is considered as the driving force of the neoconservative movement, which in turn is the link of the powerful Israel lobby to an imperial and is tied to oil interests, U.S. geopolitics. It was Wolfowitz who a year before 11 September 2001 strategy paper prepared in which it called for the militarization of American energy policy debate, including foreign policy interventions. For this purpose, it is said in the study had a catalytic catastrophic event like a new Pearl Harbor, helpful. The events surrounding 9 / 11 served this hope as temporary and as the prophetic timetable of Chabad. So, too, with the Iraq war, is what lies at its principal architect and motor mainstream press none other than Paul Wolfowitz. (Gregor Peter Schmitz, World Bank President Zoellick, the Bush man all the love, Spiegel-Online, October 19, 2007)
Chabad Rabbi Naftali Estulin writes under the title "The Revolution of the Rebbe in 5762" (ie, 2001 . AD): "The providence would have it that Bush Junior was president and was given the opportunity to finish what has begun his father, the evil of this world to destroy - as the beginning and foretaste of the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies ... What practical lessons can we learn from current events draw? Well, the Rebbe has told us to bring the Messiah into the world. If we thought for a moment, we could express ourselves about our recent events have proved wrong. The first President Bush also believed that he could not shirk the responsibility that lies ahead, according to the Rebbe America, but the Rebbe arranged things so that his son could finish the task. The world is waiting for us, that we fulfill our function, the world is preparing to welcome the Messiah. The Rebbe leads the wars of the Messiah himself, but he has given us the task to prepare the world. "
Power in the last superpower:
Bush adviser and speechwriter Frum says: "To understand the Bush White House, one must understand the prevailing commitment there." By this he means "the culture of modern Evangelicalism." (Matthew Rothschild, Bush's Messiah Complex, The Progressive, February 2003)
It was Bush's friendship with Dr. Tony Evans, pastor of a large church in Dallas and founder of the movement of the Promise Keepers, the Bush understanding sharpened, as he to conduct themselves in an apocalyptic era has. SR Shearer, head of the end-time press service Antipas Ministries writes: "Most leaders of Promise Keepers represented a doctrine of end times, which is referred to the American term 'Dominionism'. Dominionism describes the temporary possession of earthly power by the 'people of God' as the only way by which the world can be saved ... This is the eschatology that Bush has internalized, an eschatology through which he was gradually brought meaning to see themselves as a representative of God, who was commissioned by it, 'the control of God over the earth to restore', so to speak as a ' chosen vessel ', which will bring about the restoration of all things, "Shearer calls this delusion of grandeur" Messianic leadership "-. which is to say, that here the role assigned to the Messiah was usurped. (Michael Oritz Hill, Mine Eyes Has Seen the Glory. Bush's Armageddon Obsession, Revisited, CounterPunch, January 4, 2003)
The President clearly believes in it. In the summer of 2004 he finished a meeting with a group of Christian Amish sect with the words: ". I trust that God speaks through me Without this certainty, I could not do my job." (Jack Brubaker, Bush Meets With Amish, Lancaster New Era, July 16, 2004)
But what role will have to play George W. Bush? Professor George Monbiot joins the events of the final day together storyboards follows: Establishment of the State of Israel. Cast the rest of the "biblical land". Establishment of a Jewish temple on the ruins of today's Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. Heavenly rapture of the 144,000 chosen ones. End war in the valley of Armageddon. Mass mortality of Israeli Jews. Coming of the Messiah. Monbiot says, "The true believers are now trying to bring about all this" to the "attempt to provoke a final battle - with the Muslim world, the axis of evil ... The people who believe in all that believe in it not only a little, for them it is a matter of life among them are some of the most powerful men in America, John Ashcroft, the Justice Minister (who - a tribute to King David - before.. his swearing has been rubbed with oil) is a 'true believer', as several prominent senators and the Senate majority leader, Tom DeLay. (George Monbiot, Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power, The Guardian, 20 April 2004)
The collaboration between evangelicalism and politics is in constant growth since the end time church their fundamentalist vision with comprehensive combines power ambitions. One of the most successful representatives of this "operational Armageddon lobbyists" is Timothy LaHaye. The evangelical pastor is the author of several bestseller which - deal with the apocalyptic Book of Revelation - as a non-fiction and novels. As recurring moment we found the imminent "rapture": This will be the elect of Christ called away to heaven and there with new, immortal twills provided, while the rest of the world's population by the last seven years of human horror story is out. Many Americans are on these issues today fogged as in secular politics of the day: (!) 65 million copies went alone La Hayes "Left Behind" series over the counter
know what hardly anyone. The doomsday priest characterizes as the founder and first president of the ultra-secret Council for National Policy (Council for National Policy) also the highest opinion in Washington Government circles.
The CNP was founded in 1981, conceived as an umbrella organization that would bring a strictly conservative, right-wing Christian agenda on track. According to the New York Times, the CNP includes "a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives of our country" who meet "behind closed doors at undisclosed locations" to discuss strategies to how to move the nation to the right. " (David D. Kirkpatrick, Club of the Most Powerful Gathers in strict privacy, New York Times, August 28, 2004) Outside the country borders is LaHaye's program focus a revelation compliant Middle East policy, which promotes the "second coming of Christ."
While the names of the members by the CNP will be kept strictly reads the list of those that are known to be in close relationship with him like a "Who's Who" of that Christian Zionists and neocon ideologues whose passion is the Middle East to see flames and chains. In addition to the Armageddonpredigern Chuck Missler, Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Falwell, we find them prominent politicians on the list, including himself George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, the long- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the former director of military intelligence, "Defense Intelligence Agency and Deputy CIA Director Lt. Gen. Daniel Graham, John Bolton, who trained as America's ambassador to the UN a cornerstone of the Iraq war.
the Southern Bible Belt of America with the war-torn Middle East, connecting concludes Guardian columnist George Monbiot: "We have a large political following in the most powerful nation on earth, which is actively trying to provoke a new world war, its members see in the. invasion of Iraq, a kind of warm-up events, such as the disclosure provides that four angels "bound at the great river Euphrates' will be unleashed to kill a third of humanity." (George Monbiot, Their beliefs are bonkers ... Guardian, 20 April 2004)
those responsible to face this task. Michael Lind writes in his biography of Bush "Made in Texas:" In relation to the situation in the Middle East there is a very important religious factor. Many interpret the Protestant rights in George W. Bush 's environment, may sound strange as the other for the people in the U.S., particularly operations in Israel and its neighbors in the light of biblical revelation. They believe that the Armageddon sometime in the near future in the Middle East, has its origin "
Self-fulfilling prophecy.
Even the White House one is ready, the national Policy with the fictional story board to coordinate and match. One thing is certain: Washington can advise Messianists when it comes to major decisions. So you asked on the eve of the Iraq invasion, the "Bible Code experts" for advice Michael Drosnin The occult Summit on 21 February 2003 was held at the Pentagon, was reportedly summoned by none other than Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. It was visited by an unnamed team leader of the Supreme Command (Operations Directorate of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) and seven leaders of the military intelligence, including three-star general Lowell "Jake" Jacoby, director of the Defense Intelligence of his character Agency, and Wolfowitz's deputy, Dr. Linton Wells, who described the 3CI under the symbol (& command, control, communications intelligence) nerve center of the Pentagon manages. went in the conference lasted over an hour just to a topic: What the Bible says about the current Middle East and terrorism situation and on the fate of Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. In the special had been decrypted when the destruction would come upon the Iraqi head of state: in Jewish year 5763, which corresponds to the Christian calendar to 2003. The results obtained were allegedly recovered from the American and Israeli intelligence agencies immediately. The Americans "took it all very seriously," said Drosnin later. (Bill Keller, Is It Good For The Jews?, New York Times, 8 March 2003) The campaign of "Iraqi Freedom" began in the predicted time window.
more important even - and that's probably for the day - the Chabad sect of the second attack by America on Iraq, Saddam Hussein had predicted. Directly after 11 September 2001 announced that the self-appointed henchmen of God in all honesty the "safe" pulling up at a recent Iraq war. The Lubavitcher Rebbe had targeted this war ten years earlier, he said the Jewish Purim holiday, on which the first Gulf War ended in 1991, has emerged as a pivotal point in his prophecy. Writes the lyrics of the sect Emes News newspaper: "While the press, such action requires not see, and while the U.S. State Department any intentions of an attack is against the Iraq deny is those who know about the Lubavitcher Rebbe, very conscious that when he said that America against Basra (city will pull Iraq) in the war, nothing can stop the world, the occurrence of such events. "(Emes News, 24.10.2001) As we know today was actually the second Iraq war, 1 1 / 2 years later. On 20 March, on the Purim holiday, it was opened.
[an "enlightening" Israeli response, this document provides the attached document]
How did this happen? As mentioned DER SPIEGEL leads back to the outbreak of war in the first instance on the machinations of Chabad-Darling Paul Wolfowitz. But the biblical establishment had "his" campaign "has double-stitched better" along the lines of organized non-partisan. So at the end of the big game was also the Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Lieberman announce that follow conflict-term Iraq strategy, the U.S. President, strictly speaking, only the line by himself on the side of his Senate colleague John McCain with the "Iraq Liberation Act" in U.S. Congress would have prevailed. (Rainer Apel, Eurasia is against Iraq war in New Solidarity No.9, 6 February 2003) Reminder: Senator Joseph Lieberman is devoted follower of the prophetic Chabad sect, calling Rabbi Schneerson "the greatest Jewish religious figure in my life." McCain, the Messiah, the cult has repeatedly expressed his sympathy is, presidential candidate of the Republican Party for the year 2008. Lieberman supports him publicly. Out
, the war then in style flowers and personalities that we localized to the Middle Ages or in the minds of the Taliban - but not in a supposedly enlightened nation in the World: Professionally, in the service of religion see, for example, Lieutenant General William Boykin, the the Pentagon to End the Iraq War, Secretary of State Ministry of Defence appointed. His area of responsibility: intelligence and anti-terrorist struggle, especially the capture of Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Boykin has said publicly and in all seriousness, that he in the "Army serve God." In Iraq - as the fundamentalists - it related to a religious conflict. Satan wants to destroy the American nation and the "Army of God." In a Baptist church on the outskirts of the General led a speech to photographs he had made in Mogadishu shortly after the shooting down of Black Hawk helicopters by Somali rebels. He did after developing the photos discovered a strange dark shadow over the city. Boykin's comments: "This is our enemy. These are the Prince of Darkness ... a demonic presence in that city that God revealed to me as an enemy. "(William M. Arkin, The Pentagon Unleashes a Holy Warrior, Los Angeles Times, October 16, 2003) The superior
president justified his decision to war against Iraq in same spirit, said volume of Israel's leading newspaper Haaretz Bush at the peace summit in Aqaba, Jordan in June 2003. "God instructed me to embark on Al Qaeda and I struck, and then he instructed me to embark on Saddam, which I did, and now I'm determined the whole Middle East problem to tackle. "(Al Kamen, Road Map In The Black Seat?, Washington Post, 27 June 2003)
commented Consequently, the military historian at Cambridge University, Prof. Corelli Barnett, on the edge of the Iraq war. "The regime in Washington and London behave today as mirror images of Bin Laden They consider themselves 'born-again Christians' with a religious mission. That scares me. " (Mark Burdman, Top Military Historian: Iraq War is Like 1938/39, EIR, March 28, 2003)
goes And it continues:
From Iran Armageddon
At the same time, immediately after the conclusion of the Iraq war has been the radical American television Pastor Jack "Apocalypse" Van Impe asked: "Do you think that President Bush believes, or knows that he is involved with a view of the Middle East and the final battle between good and evil in prophetic events? Van Impes answer: "I'm not sure if [George W. Bush] all the prophecies knows and how much he has absorbed in God's word, but I was a few weeks of the White House Office of Public Affairs and National Security Adviser [. Today, Secretary of State] Condoleezza Rice asked to create a time sequence diagram. And I have hours worked. you are in his hand. He will know exactly what will happen in the Middle East and which role he led by God's Holy Spirit should. " (MSNBC / Jeanette Walls, Bush Is Apocalyptic Getting Advice, Aug 13, 2003) Where the author of books such as "Israel's final holocaust" and The Great Rescue: The preparation for the rapture, the next event on God's Prophetic Clock "He predicts that the last hour of the world. later than in 2012 suggest. Until then, would be Russia and the Arab nations attack Israel and be destroyed in Armageddon.
Van Impe is not the only doomsday pastor, who has the honor to advise the White House to world politics. Pastor Robert G . Upton met the president personally and boasts: ". We are in constant contact with the White House" (Rick Perlstein, The Jesus Landing Pad, The Village Voice, 11/18. May 2004) Upton leads the Evangelikalenverband the Apostolic Congress, "his apocalyptic orientation describes as Christian-Zionist and has close connection to the Israeli leadership. On the Web site proclaims the Congress, "Thanks Pastor Upton and his team influence Christians today, the politics in Washington and make a real change in America."
The current conflict in Iraq is the messianic Bibelexegeten way seen as a "warm up" for the actual "hot dance", which will be ignited by the invasion of neighboring Iran. The Rev. John
Texan TV Hagee welcomes the coming confrontation. In his book "Jerusalem Countdown," Hagee insists that the United States faces Israel in a preemptive strike against Iran to the side would have to fulfill God's plan for Israel and the West. He argues that the strike against Iran will cause Arab nations to unite under Russian leadership against Israel, as highlighted in the Hesekielkapiteln 38 and 39, which will develop into an "inferno throughout the Middle East and the world, Armageddon "overthrow. "[On the same fundamentalist attitude of Netanjahuberater Joel Rosenberg http://www.joelrosenberg.com/ezekiel.asp see] only as a result of this mass slaughtering would Jesus Christ return to take up its 1000-year Reich.
Shortly after the publication of the book that Hagee founded Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The final banquet at CUFI Washington Hilton, there was unanimous Republican support for both Hagee's commitment as well as his drums for a war with Iran. The Republican chairman of the National Committee Ken Mehlman told the group that "no regime of central importance for a global jihad" than Iran. Just two days before, Newt Gingrich and John McCain did in Sunday talk shows to announce the round the same message, and had Benny Elon, Member of the Israeli Knesset, to comment in the Jerusalem Post that her comments were from Hagee. The Republican senators Rick Santorum and Sam Brownback also spoke to the group and Bush sent greetings of support to the congregation. Republicans and even some Democrats, spoke at CUFI events to their "support for Israel" to make clear. Rabbi Daniel Lapin, a prominent Jewish ally of the evangelical right, said that Hagee "without a doubt, yes, absolutely" has the ear of the White House. (Sarah Posner, Pastor Strangelove in The American Prospect, June 2006)
justify a war against Tehran, the required Hawks in the military-religious complex in America a corresponding bogey at the center of government of Iran. This was originally the conditions bad. After the millennium, the Islamic Republic was passed in its second term of President Mohammad Khatami, a world facing reformers in the late 70s, had been director of the Islamic Centre of Hamburg. The preferred candidate of the women and young people In 1997 seventy-eight percent of the vote in 2001 even. All observers were therefore based on a renewed clear victory for the reform camp, as in the 2005 presidential election re-queuing. Then began a strange night on transatlantic election assistance to the Islamic hard-liners one. First, let the Pentagon announced that it is to rise from Iraq and Afghanistan from American fighter planes into Iranian airspace send to "target-attack data" for a future war. The building up here over the storm of protest radicalized atmosphere and hurt the pro-Western camp. The same concerned to a greater extent the fact that the Persians now "in a strange coalition, ranging from the White House down to 'left' ... European circles were solid from the West called for a boycott." (Peter Philipp, triumph of the Islamic hardliners, German Welle, DW-World De, 2005) Many pro-democracy voters followed this call, however, the traditionalists were closed to the polls. New President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was strictly conservative. He is a brother in the spirit of President George W. Bush and Moshe Katzav. As a Messianists he expects that by the end of the Islamic Prophetieablaufs the twelfth and last recognized successor to the Prophet Mohammed, who has gone over 873 in the state of concealment, as the "Mahdi" - the run from God ruler of the world - is to appear. At the height of a devastating, worldwide war.
Israel buries itself?
The Israeli sees the coming of Messiah section of this war with joy. So writes Rabbi Eliezer Waldman, a sibling of leading cadres of the "Gush Emunim" and the "Temple Mount Faithful" that the deceased Kabbalah icon Kook had called for a holy war as the only means of Geburtslegung of the Messiah. "On one side," says Waldron, "the war by destruction and death is accompanied, on the other it strengthens the power of the Messiah ... Unfortunately it is still impossible, as the completion of performance by any other means to reach war. " (Jeffrey Steinberg, Temple Mount Fanatics Fomento A New Thirty Years'War in: Executive Intelligence Review, November 3, 2000)
The problem is that Israel should be the first victims of this end-time campaign. Its inhabitants begin the looming threat perceived. It turned Uri Avnery, leader of the Israeli peace group Gush Shalom, as he described the theology of evangelicalism, said:. "Before the coming of the Messiah to the Jews must convert to Christianity Those who do not, come in a gigantic holocaust in the battle of Armageddon to. " (Robert Fisk, A Strange Kind Of Freedom, The Independent, 9-10 July 2002.) "The final battle in the history of the future", specified the largest U.S. television station CBS in a special documentary will be "on the old battlefield of the northern Israel will be fought, the Armageddon is called ... And the Jews? "Well, two thirds of them are from Earth . Wiped out "Gershom Gorenberg, author of" The End of Days ", a book about the Christian end-time church is shown in the picture, as he says:" The Jews convert or die ... If you listen to the drama, is the basically a five-act, in which the Jews disappear in the fourth act. "(CBS, 60 Minutes, October 6, 2002, Zion's Christian Soldiers) next Gorenberg cites the Evangelist Chuck Missler with the words "Auschwitz was 'just a prelude' to have been what the Jews expected in the coming last days." (Gershom Gorenberg, Unorthodox Alliance, Washington Post, 11 October 2002) "The implications are very serious," said Richard country director of the "Center for Milennial Studies at Boston University. "There are fundamentalists who are very positive toward Israel, which speak but speak of the fact that 2 / 3 of the Jewish people be destroyed in the battle of Armageddon, and that this scenario the Holocaust as a picnic will appear." (Eric J. Greenberg, Manic Christians, Millenial Panic, The Jewish Week, February 5, 1999) Asked if he had no concerns about to unleash a holy war that could lead to the eventual destruction of millions of people, said Pastor Chuck Smith, founder of the Calvary Baptist Church: "To be frank, no, because all this is part of biblical prophecy." (Jeffrey Steinberg, Temple Mount ... op.cit.)
"Basically, we are the only doormats for their own eschatological culmination," says the founder of the interdenominational end network, "Light to the Nations" Rabbi Chaim Richman. "That's a pretty scary affair. Due to popular in some Evangelikalenkreisen Entrückungssache, which demands the fulfillment of the suffering time of Jacob, here is practically an invitation prior to genocide "(Lawrence Wright, Forcing the End, July 20, 1998, The New Yorker) And yet -. Even though he knows that - builds the bridge to a Jewish rabbi American Pentecostals who let Israel go up in smoke want. Why? Because Richman also keeps the mass burial in the Holy Land to be necessary. Of course not in the service of the second coming of Christ, but as a prelude to the first appearance of the Jewish Messiah.
This is also the Jewish Messiah activists announce today the slogan that the days of Israel were numbered. They were objecting to a state that they have themselves called into being as active Zionists. And they do today with the same "logic" with which they entered 60 years ago for Zion: It is the biblical prophecy to them pretending to act. Just as European Jewry had to pass the cemetery of the first Holocaust, to go to Israel as the Zionstaat on the ruins of exile was based, so should the messianic empire based on the Sacrifice of the Israelites, and on the ruins of their state.
Unbelievable but true: Okkultgläubige Establishmentvertreter in Israel's top management to play with this suicidal game. In fact, the already mentioned elsewhere Bible Kabbalist Michael Drosnin gives advice not only the American government and that of the Zionstaates. When he end of the 90's in the Bible encrypted versions of a catastrophic third world war took place, which should in our time by a nuclear attack ("nuclear holocaust") begin to Drosnin was prompt in the Holy Land served by the offices. At first he received the Prime Minister Shimon Peres, left, he conferred with the father of the right Peres, Netanyahu's successor, with Mossad head Yatom and the Security Adviser to the Government, Dore Gold. (Michael Drosnin, The Bible Code, Munich, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, 1997, p. 66ff, 90, 167, 207ff, 220)
Benjamin Netanyahu, who "regularly highly self-studied the writings of Rabbi Kooks with some of the most important rabbis in Merkaz HaRav ( then the leading disciple and biographer Kook Rabbi David Samson, according to Steinberg, Temple Mount ..., op.cit.) consulted Rabbi Schneerson in New York and his successor as prime minister, Ariel Sharon. Even President Moshe Katzav took place long before he took office in New York's Chabad headquarters Council, "as many less prominent politicians, diplomats, military and media sizes. (Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menachem_Mendel_Schneerson)
A new Holocaust
The dangers of growing fundamentalism in the political landscape not remain unreflective. Only recently did Motti Golan, one of the nation's most respected radio commentator of Israel, undermining its concern expressed in a stage play, in which Jewish Messianists the government to assassinate the prime minister and then prove several Arab capitals with nuclear bombs. In which it developed nuclear Armageddon they want to sacrifice the secular part of the population and call down the Messiah. This view reflects a sensational book by the Ha'aretz journalist Sefi Rachlevsky, the evidence that the Messianic team revels in Zionstaat in the plan, the secular Israel to sacrifice in a war, Holocaust, to the ruins of a theocracy, the prophesied New Jerusalem . build
The historian Yehoshafat Harkabi, a retired General is concerned that his people bury themselves. Above all, it alerts the widespread practice in Israel today, not just the Bar Kochba revolt (which led to the exodus of Jews from their homes) but also the mass suicide of Masada to awaken to new life, in that both events will be transfigured into a myth of national greatness. He described this phenomenon as the Bar Kokhba Syndrome, which carried away the Jews to crazy acts and could also lead to fatal disasters. (Allan C. Brown Field, Religious Zionism: A Growing Impediment To Middle East Peace, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, December 2002)
The Palestinian TV commentator and documentary filmmaker Kawther Salam captures something of the apocalyptic mood when she writes: " The last time I was in the house during a collaboration of my friend Anat evem (award-winning director and film producer) staying in Tel Aviv, she bought a new lock for her entrance. She was scared and talked about a new Holocaust, which was being prepared: She said that Israel is not a safe country for Jews, that in its opinion, the intrigues of the Government would amount to prepare the Jews for a new Holocaust, and that it was important to find a safe place to live. She spoke in deep concern, as if a new holocaust was imminent. Anat told me that many Jews had exactly the same feeling. "(Kawther Salam, What Are Israeli Army Reconnaisance Teams doing in Patagonia?, Humanity 2000, issue 5 / 2004, 16 April 2004)
Because the characters are the time to Forward, it is hardly surprising that the environment of the "director-caste" to "safe havens" looking back. Kawther Salam reported that the Israeli government has huge land purchases at the other end of the world, in the far southern tip of South America. Your statement is in line with Internet revelations that allegedly originate from sources of the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and that suggested that this is an Israeli-American settler joint venture. Chief Financial Officer of the company: Paul Wolfowitz. (Http://thetruthseeker.co.uk/index.asp) Fact: Almost one-sixth of the total Patagonian ground - and thus an area the size of Austria and Switzerland together - now includes 350 foreign "investors". Media baron Ted Turner (CNN) recently called a huge estate with a water supply safe alternate border Privatfluß his own. George Soros, the billionaire is originally from Hungary, headquartered in New York, one of the largest private landowner in the region. The same applies to his business partner Eduardo Elzstain, the Argentine business magnates and Chabad large donors. In the northern parts of America, the builders models of the better-informed circles, meanwhile, move into the earth. There, the neo-conservative U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney just a private elaborate bunker system can be put under his house. (The Guardian, 8 December 2002)
There are messages that we should not be allowed to sleep quietly.
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rule of IsraelischeWebNachrichen
Published: Mar 26, 2003
This war is for us, led by Ariel Natan Pasko
Of course this war against Iraq and Saddam Hussein out for us ... ie the Jews and Israel. The Chazal - our sages - through the ages have interpreted the Torah and tells us that everything that happens in the world, the Jewish people benefit from it.
Simply put in another way, when the whole world's a stage, then the Jews - and especially those in the land of Israel - the main actor on the stage of history, and the goyim - the nations, ie the non-Jews - have supporting roles while the villains are props and background scenery.
As our tradition states, created G. t -. The great playwright - the world for the sake of the Jewish people, and it is our responsibility to the Torah [as a blueprint of creation] to implement in it.
Stop and think for a moment: the last Gulf War in 1991 ended erev - just before - Purim. The current Gulf War [of 2003] began motzei - just after - Shushan Purim. Frame your picture? Between (Esther 8:16)
reading "Jews light, and gladness, and joy, and honor had" once again the Purim story in Megilat-Esther, it's a rags-to-riches story national level. Haman, the prototype of an anti-Semite is planning mass murder of Jews and in the end pays with his life and the lives of his ten sons - all of which are hung. These kill the Jews, 75 800 members of the anti-Semitic - ie Nazi party at that time.
This is not so different from the Nuremberg trials after World War II when 23 Nazi war criminals sentenced were. About the original 11 in the event of a guilty verdict of the death penalty should be imposed. Everyone in those days thought that they would be shot - as is customary in military executions - or the electric chair would - as was customary in the United States. But when the judges announced the verdict, they said that hanging would be the type of execution. Two hours before the execution, they found Hermann Goering dead in his cell. He had committed suicide. The Nazis had only 10 left for the execution.
There is more to this story. In Megilat Esther (9:7-9), where the execution of Haman's ten sons described Their names are listed in a vertical column. If you look at the Hebrew attention, they will notice extra-small letters in three of these names. The first name Parshandata has a small tav. The seventh name, Parmashta has a small shin. The tenth name, Vayzata has zayn a little. Hebrew letters are also used as numbers, as well as for dates in the Jewish calendar. Tav, shin, zayn mean numerically 707, which corresponds with the year 5707, which most of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, 25 September 1946 began.
On 16 October 1946, were signed in the name of Haman's ten sons, ten Nazi leaders hanged as war criminals. And if The still not impressed: Out of the blue, with the noose around his neck, shouted Julius Streicher, editor of the Nazi propaganda newspaper Der Sturmer, with flaming hatred in his eyes, just as opened the trap door and out: 'Purim 1946 ! 'This has been reported in the daily press.
As I said, of course, this war for the Jews and for Israel is out, and instead of it from those who accuse us reason to hide, or to the "anti-Semitic slur" accuse, we should recognize grateful that the Lord of the Universe us for the sake of doing to our enemies. Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat, Bashar Assad, Osama bin Laden, and the other dictators, terrorists and mullahs of the region are the modern day Haman and Hitler of the day.
Great things are coming for the Jewish people, for the State of Israel, for America, for the Western democratic world, and for those who want to be like them. And why should we apologize? "
Ariel Natan Pasko is an independent analyst and consultant. He has a master's degree in International Relations and Political Analysis. He also has a degree in Economics, Politics, Jewish History and Jewish world of ideas. His comments and analysis appear in numerous newspapers and think tank sites.
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