And one could ever a more beautiful, imagine a more worthy place to include such a trip, as here, in the heart of Flores, the Flower of Indonesia, a more appropriate place than here in the end? We both agree in any case with glowing eyes, this is the perfect turning point - everything is consistent, everything is beautiful.
"End", with its eponymous capital, according to one of the thirteen administrative districts called on Flores, the pride of the legendary volcano is Kelimutu. There, at the foot of which, in the small sleepy village of Moni, we have established ourselves and let peace come, peace to understand and really can. Understand
we should finally: On the third day after our arrival at four clock in the morning we set out to top that arise within the Kelimutu the sunrise. The panorama, which awaited us there was once again stunning and fabulous. Three large crater lakes, the day due to their changing mineral content of almost another color can take - in our case, light turquoise, pitch black and brown - is dominated by the enchanting landscape and are an unerring eye-catching. In the background the peaks culminate also volcanoes and the lake embraced by both sides, the blooming beauty of this island.
ignited by the first fall for the sun rays and quite melancholy when listening to the yearning South Sea songs, which I yesterday received evening in the small circle of young people who had gathered for the sample of its Easter drama in our church and with soul force, with their auspicious laughter, her bright, piercing eyes and had sung lustily in the unforgettable my memory, she touched me there already big in the inside. was
no stopping it then, however, more than Marius and I, with enhanced clarity of the meaning and symbolism of this place and this moment aware of each other summarized the hands and anxious, solemn farewell feeling once the summit cross, the turning point circled. Inevitably, the tears welled up in us, and we were overwhelmed and overcome each other meaningfully in the eye. This moment had hit the middle of the living.
After a minute of non-vaginal eternal volition us was clear, however, we would have to let go. And full of melancholy and full of happiness at the same time we did this. Without a word, each sunk into itself, we set out arm in arm on the way to a nearby meeting place where our "Reisekommilitonen" from this morning already waiting on us, and then was out again soon laughed a lot.
passed on the way home we finally have a cascade of waterfalls, which could serve for a welcome cooling. And how refreshing it was, the jump through the middle of the torrent and into the natural water basins, at least as stimulating as nevertheless on the same evening of socializing squatting in the hot volcanic springs was relaxing.
from the whole life
Your David
And best of all, the now well-earned beach and surfing holidays following the Bali! Yeeeyyy! :)
PS: For our friends of the chronology: a report on our wild ride through half Indonsesien with a cola truck has Marius below nachgetragen yet. Dig it:)
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