Ozin3 - Without a plane from Freiburg to Australia
Welcome to the travel diary of our unique adventure "Ozin3. The original idea was, without a plane to travel from Freiburg to Australia, and the whole thing in just 3 months. Whether it worked out, learn it here on our blog. For those who also have interest in more pictures and reports from first hand experience, we are currently planning further slide shows. Exact dates we publish appropriate at this point. Anyone who wants to can Leave us a e-mail , and will then be notified directly if it is so far: ozinthree (at) gmail.com . "Archive", you can now find the trip reports in each case in reverse order. Happy reading and subsidence when putting in distant lands and worlds. We hope you have as much fun as we had during our entire trip. It was really unique, wonderful.
Due to the large demand of the videos are from our slide show in Freiburg, under the heading " videos " or "Sounds " in the sidebar for some eye and ear :-) Have fun !